427 cases
(Greencastle, Ind.) Putnam County officials announced today that there have been confirmed 427 cases of COVID-19 in the county since March. For a further breakdown of cases please visit www.coronavirus.in.gov . The positive case number also may include positive cases at the state correctional facility located in Putnam County. To learn more, visit https://www.in.gov/idoc/3780.htm.
Putnam County Hospital has begun a new scheduling process for curbside COVID testing. To schedule your appointment please go to https://scheduling.coronavirus.in.gov Testing hours are Tuesday-Friday 10:00am-6:00pm and Saturday 9:00am-2:00pm. If you have any further questions please call the COVID hotline at (765) 301-7019. Putnam County Hospital asks that patients arrive no earlier than five minutes before their scheduled test to help with the flow of traffic. When a patient arrives they will follow the COVID-19 testing signs. These signs will direct them to the proper testing area.
As a reminder, Putnam County Hospital will be holding flu shot clinics in the coming weeks. The flu clinics will be a drive thru flu clinic at Putnam Pediatrics and Internal Medicine, Family Medicine of Cloverdale, and North Putnam Family Healthcare. The clinics will be held on October 3, October 9 and October 24 for anyone wishing to receive the flu shot. On September 19, these locations will be offering the high dose flu vaccination for those that are immune compromised and/or senior citizens. These vaccinations are by appointment only. To schedule your appointment please call:
Putnam Pediatrics and Internal Medicine
765.301.7400 Family Medicine of Cloverdale 765.795.4242
North Putnam Family Healthcare 765.301.7679
Cloverdale Drugs and Crossroads Care Pharmacies will also be providing flu shots at both locations with no appointment necessary starting mid September. Please call either location for further details.
For more information on the importance of getting the flu vaccine please visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahzJZ0hE2IQ&feature=youtu.be
What else can I do right now?
It is imperative individuals take action to avoid COVID-19 to prevent its spread. A number of preventive steps include:
-Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
-Don’t touch your eyes, nose, or mouth, especially with unwashed hands.
-Avoid close contact with people who are showing symptoms of illness.
– Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
-Cover your cough or sneezes with a tissue or sneeze into your elbow.
-Throw the tissue in the garbage and make sure to clean your hands afterwards.
-Stay home when you are sick.
-Wear face coverings in public when performing essential duties.
-We are all in this together.
Putnam County is providing regular updates on COVID-19 to citizens as part of its effort to complement the daily updates from the Indiana State Dept. of Health. The updates can be accessed via www.coronavirus.in.gov .
To learn more about Putnam County’s coordinated response to COVID-19, please visit the Putnam County Hospital at www.pchosp.org/covid-19-updates or the Putnam County Health Department at www.putnamhealthindiana.org .
The post Daily COVID-19 update from Putnam County first appeared on Putnam County Hospital.
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